WORKSHOP Part 1 – Video learn at home

Unlearning Body Shame: Anti-Fat Bias and Body Acceptance Part 1

“Anyone who has a body should attend this!”

This is a video recording of our part one content designed to give you a space to help you reflect on how you feel about bodies and unlearn body shame, whilst exploring body acceptance and anti-fat bias. Once purchased, you get access to this pre-recorded video version of our workshop so you can learn in your own space at a time that suits you at your own pace.

What we cover:

  • Confronting your own beliefs and attitudes about fat and body size
  • The racist and ableist legacy of weight stigma and deconstructing what diet and
    wellness culture is
  • Learning the harm that comes from anti-fat bias and discrimination
  • How to challenge and advocate for yourself and others when confronting anti-fat bias
  • Introduction to body neutral concepts

    Buy the recording here and complete in your own time! A CPD certificate is available upon completion.
    Prefer to do the workshop with others? Check out our live online version here, or sign up to the mailing list to find out when we're next holding an in-person workshop